What strange weather conditions has brought us in May!
Wet, cold, sun and heat… and all within 2 weeks.
The delay in growth was made up for by a growth explosion in the last few days of May – the garden became a jungle and we couldn’t keep up with the work.
We are compensated by new surprises every day when we come into the garden in the morning. A newly blossomed flower greets us from every corner – and in the afternoon others have come! We can’t keep up with looking.
Allium and columbines, then the rhododendrons, the iris, the poppy and now the first roses. Only the peonies are taking their time.
Last week we were in the Czech Republic and visited 2 huge rhododendron parks – we brought a wonderful red azalea and placed it between 2 rhododendrons – nice to look at.
Our Paulownia bloomed for the first time this year – but unfortunately exactly in a rainy season. The buds got pretty squashed – only a portion survived and they smelled lovely in the sunshine!
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