This hot summer continues.
Sun! Sun! Sun!
And until mid-October temperatures remained around 25 °C.
Then a few days ago – cold overnight. Nighttime temperatures around 2°C, and tonight the first frost that hissed the leaves of the tomatoes and paulownia… but it’s getting a little warmer again. We’re happy about that because, like every autumn, we have a lot of new flower bulbs to plant. The potted plants have already overwintered – we planted some large plants, such as jucca and oleander, directly in the ground in September. We made our first successful attempt last year with the largest Jucca.
It’s slowly starting to get autumn. Some discolored leaves can be seen, most of the autumn flowers have faded and all the fruit has been harvested. But we still have to wait for the spectacular colours of autumn.
But now the gardening is on hold.