October began just as rainy as September ended. The cooling, especially at night, brought us autumn. The beds have been harvested, except for the aubergines, a few tomatoes and the second green beans – the floral splendor is fading.
Now is the time for asters – they are spread out in the garden in many different colors and sizes. Here and there a plant appears that stands out from the crowd: a phlox, a few late buddleia, clematis flowers.
Autumn anemones are still blooming – and the monkshood is already blooming! The same goes for the zebra grass and the star gladiolas. The spindle tree also shows that it is autumn with its pink fruits!
After the heat of summer, some roses are now blooming again – they love the cooler autumn weather.
We are very surprised by the daylilies, which decided to sprout again in September and have now reached an impressive height. Will they bloom before winter?