Project Seat Pit

Project start: 03/2019

The seat place next to the garden fountain has hardly been used in all its 5 years of existence. The wooden base was already on the verge and the greed grew rampant all around.

Time for something new! After some planning rounds, we decided to build a seat pit.

For it was dredged 1 meter deep. The excavator tracks now plow through our meadow. We build a wall from below. In the center of the square is the fire bowl and we make a circumferential seat on the wall.

Over our heads then like the wind sweep – then we sit down well protected!

Projectstatus: Holy Week

The wall is ready, the steps are laid and the drainage has already been made of brick split.

On Holy Saturday, we planted the front area with red barberry and cloves.

Now the cover of the wall, drainage gravel and the granite floor are only missing.

Project end: 05/2019

The dry, hot April offered us the best conditions for the construction and we made rapid progress.

On May 19th – finally a warm, sunny day – was grilled with friends and kept the fire going until late at night.