Title: 2022
Gartenblogbeiträge – Kertblogbejegyzések – Gardenblogposts
Authors: Laura & Herwig Kepler
— Format: height 21 cm, width 27,7 cm
— Hardcover
— Number of pages: 220
— Language: multilingual (DE, HU, EN)
— the book is made upon an order, the price and delivery time are determined based on the number of books ordered
Your order please send to arshortus@gmail.com
Short description:
In 2023, for the 5th anniversary of our garden blog www.arshortus.com, we published the blog posts from 2018 – 2022 in book form. Each year becomes a book in its own right due to the countless beautiful garden photos. The books have a uniform structure. The contributions follow — according to the weblog — in a monthly structure. All texts are in 3 languages — German, Hungarian and English.
The fifth book, 2022 contains 27 blog posts.